Monday, August 10, 2009


Monday, 12:30p: @ lunch meeting with financial investors to discuss industrial real estate portfolio performance and marketing initiatives. Result: Proposed marketing budget denied. Any marketing must be done for free.

Monday, 2:22p @ desk busy drafting marketing plan for no-cost initiatives and have an epiphany. I Google: “What careers are ruled by the moon?” [My psychic says I'll be successful in any career ruled by the moon.]

Google's reply: “House X in Taurus. Trusted at work. Occupation connected with the earth, buildings, finance etc...”

Friday, July 24, 2009


My graphic designer and copy writer are working together on an email campaign to build awareness around a vacant industrial building we own in New England. The building is characterized by high ceilings and so, as one of the image options, our designer pulled some balloon photos to depict “highness”. As I looked at the photos, I thought to myself, “I love balloons. I wish I lived in one sometimes, you know, on those days when living in a tree isn’t an option."